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Building a printer?

Take a look at our Printed Part kits! In addition, we now sell Printer Hardware, check out our hotends, PEI sheets and more!

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Printer Kits
Printed Part KitsVoron, Rat Rig, Zero G, AnnexShop Now
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Printer PartsPEI Sheets, Hotends, Nozzles, HeatsetsShop Now
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Printer ModsNevermore, Klicky and moreShop Now

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Why JB3D?

We believe in providing exactly what our customers want, whether that be a simple printer build or a fully customised, heavily modded printer. With our superb support and a secure checkout you’re in good hands.

light bulb outlined hand drawn tool

Endless customisation

With how many mods are available for some of the printers we offer, we will print exactly what you want. If you don’t see it on the shop, just message us and we will get you sorted.

chatting speech bubbles hand drawn bubbles couple

Outstanding support

Our customer support is second to none – users rave about how we don’t rest until every issue is solved to their satisfaction.

shopping cart sketch

Secure checkout

With 128-bit SSL security with advanced encryption you are guaranteed that your purchases are safe.

Real talk from our real customers

Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you.

Taken from our TrustPilot page:

Ordered Merc 1.1 and the EVA extruder system. The part were printed rapidly, and sent abroad. Received under a week.
The part are strong and perfectly printed, couldn’t ask for more.
If I need new parts, will surely reorder from JB3D !
Highly recommended

Reapola Mercury 1
Maz's RatRig V-Minion

Having used the 3D printing services offered by JB3D for three orders so far, I have nothing but great things to say about their service. I highly recommend the company, and wish them everything of the best going forward. Great customer service like they provide deserves to succeed.


Brands we stock

We only sell products we personally use and trust. There can be no compromises when it comes to print quality, ease of use and durability.

Bondtech logo Positive Square 1200x1200 1
E3D Online
Slice Engineering